Bingo Hall Tulalip

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Tulalip Bingo every second and last Wednesday of the month. Breakfast at 8:00 AM with bingo to follow. Lunch is also served. Breakfast/Lunch at Senior Center at 6:45 AM and 11:30 AM; Breakfast/Lunch deliveries available for the disabled. Eligibility Requirements: Must be Tulalip Tribal Senior/Elder 50 years and up. 2911 QUIL CEDA WAY TULALIP WA 98271. 2911 QUIL CEDA WAY TULALIP WA 98271; Toll Free 800-631-3313; Local 360-716-2100; Hotline 360-651-3223.

I have been here plenty of times this year, and donated plenty of my pocket money to their machines already...but somehow the place and machines keep calling me back for more fun and excitement. ;) I love coming here on the weekends to play there bingo machines, I am more partial to the machines versus the old fashioned paper cards because of the sound effects, lights, and bonus rounds. Although, they do offer both types here. Inside the hall and to the left is where you purchase your paper tickets ans to the right is a little area with different snack foods, beverages, and bingo supplies for sale, and when you first walk in there are bathrooms off to the left and right. Also, they are very mindful of those who don't smoke, like me, and provide a separate non-smoking room. The cost to play is considerably cheap compared to other bingo halls, and you must be at-least 18 or older to play, because you are gambling. I love coming here because of the thrill of the odds, and once I played $20 on machines one night, and walked out of here with a total of $60 something! I would definitely recommend Tulalip Bingo Hall to everybody who loves to play bingo and is yet not old enough to gamble yet.

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This is the view from the non-smokers room, looking toward the room where smoking was permitted.

I played Bingo as a child, with little cards and plastic disks. I think it was so that I could learn my numbers. Last night, a friend asked me to go with her to play the adult version of the game at the Tulalip Bingo Hall. Since I had never gone to such a place before, I did not really know what to expect. Would I find lots of old ladies, with glittery jewelry and bright clothing? Would it actually be a gambling place?

I didn’t have to bet on anything, so to me, it was just a game and a fun night out with my friend. Amanda had played before, so she gave me a little guidance. We walked into a smoky room filled with long tables and surrounded by big screens on the walls where the numbers would display. People lined up in front of several windows where Bingo cards could be purchased, and game schedules obtained.

The room was partitioned into two main parts; one for smokers, and the other, for non-smokers like Amanda and me. Before we could claim our seats, though, I had to buy a “dauber” from the concession stand. It is a fat pen-like container of colored ink with a soft pad at the top, and when worked like a stamp on the paper, it leaves a mark. They come in all colors, including ones with sparkles! I bought a blue one for $1.00. My Bingo cards cost $19.00, so, after buying the dauber, I was set for an evening of fun for $20.00.


I was surprised at the age spread of the participants. Instead of finding the majority of them in the “old” category, people ranged from 18 years of age to well above 90. Some were eating fancy desserts, or other delicious looking snacks while they played. It was all I could do just to concentrate on the cards in front of me, so I did not buy any snacks! Some of the games used 4 sets of numbers per page. Others used 6. Dauber in hand, I watched the numbers on the screen and heard them called out, stamping a blue circle on each number called.

Needless to say, I did not win any of the games! But I didn’t care. I was not there to win. I was there to have a new experience, which was a spontaneous one for me, unplanned and not considered until Amanda asked. And I said, “Why not?”

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This is part of what I am trying to do with these “100 New Places.” I want to keep my life interesting by doing new things I have never done before.

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Bingo Hall TulalipBingo Hall Tulalip

May you keep your life interesting with each passing day!

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One of the cards with 6 games on it, with my blue dauber waiting to play.

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Bingo Hall Tulalip

Looking to the side, where the numbers displayed on the wall. Each wall had one of those big screens.